The boys have been busy playing at the house since we aren't able to go outside. Our favorite games are chase and hide and go seek. Will loves to hide and Andrew will walk around and find him. It is hilarious!! Andrew gets so excited when he finds Will!
Will learns new words every day. Some new ones are, "plenty" and "on purpose". It seems like there are new words every day for him. Andrew is running around and pointing out things. He has started "talking" more - we are pretty excited about that! This is a fun stage that they are both in right now. Here are a couple of new pictures:
This is Will's horse, Blackie. He loves putting on music and dancing with him. Recently, he has been using Blackie as a guitar as he says, "Like they do at church." Last month, he has started asking "Why" to everything. It seems like I have it answered each question but without fail, he always has another why?