Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

On Saturday, we went to the Indianapolis Zoo. The boys had a good time in the morning but then got very tired and crabby. We left without seeing everything but hopefully, we will go back another day!

Us in front of the flamingos

Will and Andrew both fed the giraffes. They seemed to enjoy it!

On Sunday, we went to the park for a picnic and to play. It was another beautiful day!

Strawberry Picking

I took the boys strawberry picking this past week. Will did a great job but before he picked every strawberry, he would ask, "Should I pick this one, Mommy?" He would yell this across the field if he was far away looking for the perfect strawberry. It was pretty funny! Andrew on the other hand was more excited to dump all the strawberries out of the basket that I had just picked - he did this several times. He then discovered that you could squish them - he loved that! So in the end, we picked a big basket and then bought some pre-picked ones for strawberry jelly.

looking for the perfect strawberry....

trying to eat the stem and all...

Leslie and Adrienne's Birthdays

We went up to my sister's for her girls' birthday party. Josh wasn't able to go so we ended up staying and playing for a few days. Leslie had a Cinderella cake and Adrienne had a ladybug cake. They all had fun playing together.

Andrew loved riding on the caterpillar

The kids always have "toast on the steps" with Grandma before bed. In case you are wondering, yes, those are Cinderella shoes on Will!!