Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Star Wars Day

So, we took the boys to the Children's Museum for Star Wars Day. Will had seen it in the monthly magazine and really wanted to go. He loves Lego Star Wars so we decided to go. They were able to build a spaceship and clay character. Then, they had a meet and greet with some characters. I think the pictures will explain their feelings about that!

Andrew a little scared...but where's Will?

Andrew feeling a little better...but where's Will?

Ahhh....both the boys feeling pretty good with Princess Lei.

Will Graduates!

Will "graduated" from preschool and they had a closing program where they sang some songs and then Miss Vanessa brought each child up and said something about each. She commented on how Will always knew his Bible stories and could answer questions along with some other nice things. What a special day!

Isn't he handsome?

Miss Vanessa with the boys