Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Andrew's Birthday Party

On Saturday, we celebrated Andrew's 6th birthday.  He wanted an Angry Birds party...he got a lot of fun toys and really enjoyed everyone coming for his party.

The black icing was a hit!!

Andrew's Christmas Program

Andrew had a program at school and it was so cute!  He did a great job singing!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Orange Day

Andrew had orange day at school.  He wanted to be decked out in orange so we had hair color, face color and orange clothes.  He loved it!!

Happy Halloween 2012

The boys were so excited to pick their costumes this year.  They both knew what they wanted to be until we got to the store.  Then, they both changed.  

Check out this scary Shadow Ninja!

The world is safe with Batman on duty!


We finally carved our pumpkins Tuesday night.  The boys didn't want to scrape the inside of the pumpkins.  They were both grossed out!  This year, Will wanted to do the whole thing himself.  He made a face and then decided to make eyes all over his pumpkin so, he ended up with a monster.

Fall Leaves

At the grandparents house the boys raked the leaves with Grandpa.  They LOVED playing in the leaves!  

Can you find Andrew? 

Look at that smile!

Leaf Fight!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bengtsons Pumpkin Patch

Grandpa and Grandma took us to Bengtsons Pumpkin Patch.  I worked there for a few years when I was in high school.  It was fun being back there and seeing how much it had changed.  It was a beautiful day!

The petting zoo had a lot of neat animals.  The boys had a great time feeding all of the animals.

We had a great time on the hayride!

Bartlett Fire Department

While we were up at my sister's house, their fire department had an open house.  They had so many neat things for the kids.  They did a demonstration with the Jaws of Life, other fun kid activities, food, and lots of fun things for the kids to take home.  

Sliding down the fire pole 

Spraying the fire hose

Check out this crew....

Scarecrow Festival

 During our Fall Break, the boys and I went up to my parents and sister's house.  We visited the Scarecrow Festival in St. Charles and we built a scarecrow.  The kids loved playing in the straw and stuffing our scarecrow.

The kids, Grandma, and Uncle Blair and our scarecrow

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1st Days of School (a little late)

Will and I started school on the 1st of August and Andrew started on the 6th.  They were both excited to be starting in their new school.  Lots of changes ahead with Andrew starting Kindergarten and me going back to work!!

Tennis Lessons

The boys took tennis lessons this summer.  They both liked it but Will seemed to love it!

3 - 2 - 1 Launch.....

Will raced his rocket - his is the gold one with flames.

Cub Scout Space Rockets

Will really wanted to join Cub Scouts this year.  Their first project was to make a rocket.  He started with 2 rectangles that he had to glue together.  He had to sand it down and do some other things to it.  It was pretty official.  The race was on Saturday and he was pretty excited.

Check out those flames! 

They raced 4 at a time in double elimination.  He ended up getting fourth both times but it moved so I was excited!  My biggest fear was that it wouldn't do anything but it actually went a decent way!

He had a great time making his rocket!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Indianapolis Indians

We went downtown to the Indianapolis Indians game last night.  The boys got tickets through the summer reading program.  We had a good night and the boys enjoyed $1 night at the concession stand.  Hot dogs, chips, and crackerjacks...what a great night!!!


Will wanted to play baseball this year so he was on the Orioles.  Josh was the assistant coach for the team.  Will did really well and scored 5 home runs during the season.  On his first one, he said, "it felt like my heart was on fire."  Love it!!  He really did great and threw great and really went after the ball.

Making My Heart Happy

Will got this new chalkboard from the Awana shop with his Awana dollars that he earned for attendance, going to Sunday School, etc.  The next day, he said to me, "It has a chalkboard on the back."  I said, "Cool, let me see."  He flipped it over and is said "Best mom in the world".  I, of course, made a big deal out of it and how happy that made me so....

not to be outdone by his brother, Andrew copied it from the chalkboard and said the same thing!

Trophy Time

Andrew played his last soccer game and had the trophy ceremony.  I loved coaching him this year.  It was so much fun for both of us!  He even said that he wanted me to coach his baseball team next year.  It made me feel so good!

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Josh, the boys, and I were invited to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to watch practice one day.  We went up to the box and Josh and I were able to tour pit row, the garages, and even saw Ashley Judd.  We loved it and had a great time!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Andrew Graduates!

Andrew finished his preschool years with a closing program and graduation.  He was pretty embarrassed and didn't really like standing on stage.

 They sang some songs that they had worked on the whole year.

They were also given scrapbooks of pictures from the entire year.  I love his smile - you can tell he loves his scrapbook!

Kindergarten next year.....unbelievable!