Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Andrew Graduates!

Andrew finished his preschool years with a closing program and graduation.  He was pretty embarrassed and didn't really like standing on stage.

 They sang some songs that they had worked on the whole year.

They were also given scrapbooks of pictures from the entire year.  I love his smile - you can tell he loves his scrapbook!

Kindergarten next year.....unbelievable!

Will's Real 7th Birthday

Happy 7th Birthday to my sweet, funny, oldest son!  7 years ago, Will came into our life and it has never been the same since!

He picked Chuck E Cheese for dinner....yumm (uggh!) 

Josh and I got him some books - I think reading is now his #1 pasttime.  

and Legos - may have moved to #2 pasttime! 

me and my 7 year old!

Make a Mom Feel Good....

The boys are a part of Awana program which is like a club that works on Bible memory verses.  The boys each earn "Awana bucks" for different things each week.  Every quarter, they take part in the Awana store.  Will got this Spiderman art kit and it was sitting on the kitchen table in the morning.  He said to me, "Do you know it has a chalkboard on it?"  I said that I didn't know that.  When I flipped the kit over to see the chalkboard, I saw his message.  Needless to say, that made my day and I made a big deal about how it made me feel so good, etc!

Not to be outdone by his brother, Andrew decided that he too wanted to make my day and copied (no he can't read yet) Will's saying.  Of course, I made a big deal out of his too!  He was pretty proud of himself.

Happy Birthday Will!

Wow...I can't believe Will is turning 7!!  It seems like only yesterday....  He had a great party and loved having family here to celebrate with him.  He got many nice gifts - Legos, a bike, and a game.

Grandpa and Will put together his new bike - what a great project!

Will wanted a Lego Ninjago party.  We had fun with the decorations and the cake.  He loved it!

I made these Chinese lanterns with ninja eyes and hung balloons with ninja eyes all around for decoration.  He thought it was pretty cool!

 Andrew just finished his soccer season and had a blast doing it.  He really did well this year scoring multiple goals each game.  His high score for a game was 4 goals.  He was super fast and wasn't scared to go after the ball.  They were begging for coaches so I coached his team this year.  I had to spend a lot of time researching drills/activities to do.  It was a lot of fun and I was so glad to do it with him.  He even asked if I would coach his baseball team next year!


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from the Hahn's!