Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1st Days of School (a little late)

Will and I started school on the 1st of August and Andrew started on the 6th.  They were both excited to be starting in their new school.  Lots of changes ahead with Andrew starting Kindergarten and me going back to work!!

Tennis Lessons

The boys took tennis lessons this summer.  They both liked it but Will seemed to love it!

3 - 2 - 1 Launch.....

Will raced his rocket - his is the gold one with flames.

Cub Scout Space Rockets

Will really wanted to join Cub Scouts this year.  Their first project was to make a rocket.  He started with 2 rectangles that he had to glue together.  He had to sand it down and do some other things to it.  It was pretty official.  The race was on Saturday and he was pretty excited.

Check out those flames! 

They raced 4 at a time in double elimination.  He ended up getting fourth both times but it moved so I was excited!  My biggest fear was that it wouldn't do anything but it actually went a decent way!

He had a great time making his rocket!