Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Garden

Wow - check out those zucchinis!

These are our 6 green beans - we each had 2 for dinner... Andrew wouldn't eat any!!

When I started the garden this year, I was thinking that I would have a variety of fresh produce all summer long. Needless to say, those hopes were crushed when nothing came up for a while afterwards. My parents and the boys then planted some new plants and I still wasn't expecting much. But..... lately, we have been getting some food! We dug up the carrots tonight thinking the tops only grew but little did we know, we actually had carrots!! Will and I were the most excited about it. Andrew just liked digging in the dirt!! Josh couldn't believe I was making him go inside to get the camera! We also picked our first two tomatoes. We are pretty excited and check every day to see if there is anything else to pick!

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