Monday, October 27, 2008

Will is Student of the Week

Will is the feature student this week at school. He had to fill out this poster and then gets to bring a show and tell on Wednesday. He had a great time coloring his poster. FYI - if you click on the picture, it will get bigger so you can see what he wrote!!


Lucy said...

I showed Luke that he was a friend. He actually threw an "I'm tired." fit today about getting on an airplane and coming to see you guys.

Did Will write his name? That looks really great. Luke can't do it without the dots yet.

Elise said...

OK, 2 questions:
1.) Why aren't Todd, Elise, and Alaina listed as Will's friends? What do we have to do to get on there?
2.) What is his favorite food? Looks like mystery meat! ;-)

Debbie said...

Lucy -
No, he didn't write his name - he is nowhere near able to do it! I wrote it and he "helped me."

Elise -
You were next on the list - I'm sure if we had more room, you would have been there!! Can't you tell his favorite food??? Chicken nuggets, of course!!

Elise said...

I'm going to feed him an ambiguous brown blob the next time I see him. :-)